

发布时间:August 4, 2012 // 分类:Squid // No Comments


header_access X-Cache deny all
header_access X-Squid-Error deny all
header_access Via deny all
header_access Server deny all
header_access X-Cache deny all
header_access X-Cache-Lookup deny all


Accept         HTTP_ACCEPT
Accept-Charset         HTTP_ACCEPT-CHARSET
Accept-Encoding         HTTP_ACCEPT-ENCODING
Accept-Language         HTTP_ACCEPT-LANGUAGE
Accept-Ranges         HTTP_ACCEPT-RANGES
Age         HTTP_AGE
Allow         HTTP_ALLOW
Authorization         HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
Cache-Control         HTTP_CACHE-CONTROL
Connection         HTTP_CONNECTION
Content-Base         HTTP_CONTENT-BASE
Content-Disposition         HTTP_CONTENT-DISPOSITION
Content-Encoding         HTTP_CONTENT-ENCODING
Content-Language         HTTP_CONTENT-LANGUAGE
Content-Length         HTTP_CONTENT-LENGTH
Content-Location         HTTP_CONTENT-LOCATION
Content-MD5         HTTP_CONTENT-MD5
Content-Range         HTTP_CONTENT-RANGE
Content-Type         HTTP_CONTENT-TYPE
Cookie         HTTP_COOKIE
Date         HTTP_DATE
ETag         HTTP_ETAG
Expires         HTTP_EXPIRES
From         HTTP_FROM
Host         HTTP_HOST
If-Match         HTTP_IF-MATCH
If-Modified-Since         HTTP_IF-MODIFIED-SINCE
If-None-Match         HTTP_IF-NONE-MATCH
If-Range         HTTP_IF-RANGE
Last-Modified         HTTP_LAST-MODIFIED
Link         HTTP_LINK
Location         HTTP_LOCATION
Max-Forwards         HTTP_MAX-FORWARDS
Mime-Version         HTTP_MIME-VERSION
Pragma         HTTP_PRAGMA
Proxy-Authenticate         HTTP_PROXY-AUTHENTICATE
Proxy-Authentication-Info         HTTP_PROXY-AUTHENTICATION-INFO
Proxy-Authorization         HTTP_PROXY-AUTHORIZATION
Proxy-Connection         HTTP_PROXY-CONNECTION
Public         HTTP_PUBLIC
Range         HTTP_RANGE
Referer         HTTP_REFERER
Request-Range         HTTP_REQUEST-RANGE
Retry-After         HTTP_RETRY-AFTER
Server         HTTP_SERVER
Set-Cookie         HTTP_SET-COOKIE
Title         HTTP_TITLE
Transfer-Encoding         HTTP_TRANSFER-ENCODING
Upgrade         HTTP_UPGRADE
User-Agent         HTTP_USER-AGENT
Vary         HTTP_VARY
Via         HTTP_VIA
Warning         HTTP_WARNING
WWW-Authenticate         HTTP_WWW-AUTHENTICATE
Authentication-Info         HTTP_AUTHENTICATION-INFO
X-Cache         HTTP_X-CACHE
X-Cache-Lookup         HTTP_X-CACHE-LOOKUP
X-Forwarded-For         HTTP_X-FORWARDED-FOR
X-Request-URI         HTTP_X-REQUEST-URI
X-Squid-Error         HTTP_X-SQUID-ERROR
Negotiate         HTTP_NEGOTIATE
X-Accelerator-Vary         HTTP_X-ACCELERATOR-VARY
Other:         HTTP_OTHER:


reply_header_access Server deny all
reply_header_access X-Cache deny all
reply_header_access Warning deny all
reply_header_access Expires deny all
reply_header_access Cache-Control deny all
reply_header_access age deny all



发布时间:August 4, 2012 // 分类:Squid // No Comments


cache_dir null /tmp


acl NCACHE method GET
no_cache deny NCACHE


cache_dir ufs /mnt/cache 256 16 256


发布时间:August 3, 2012 // 分类:OpenWrt // No Comments

FAT32分区无权限的概念,挂载后更改文件所有用户及权限时提示Permission denied,可通过挂载时修改参数指定umask和所有用户解决。

umask=000 #以777权限挂载
uid=1000 #指定用户


mount -t vfat -o umask=000 /dev/sda4 /mnt/


发布时间:August 2, 2012 // 分类:流量监控 // No Comments


wget http://gael.roualland.free.fr/ifstat/ifstat-1.1.tar.gz
tar zxvf ifstat-1.1.tar.gz 
cd ifstat-1.1
make install


-i #指定网卡
-a #显示所有网卡界面
-l #显示本地回环网卡
-t #状况显示时间
-T #显示详细统计


/usr/local/bin/ifstat -a -t -T
  Time            lo                 eth0               Total       
HH:MM:SS   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out   KB/s in  KB/s out
19:39:44      0.00      0.00      0.81      0.33      0.81      0.33
19:39:45      0.00      0.00      0.06      0.17      0.06      0.17
19:39:46      0.00      0.00      0.06      0.17      0.06      0.17
19:39:47      0.00      0.00      0.76      0.17      0.76      0.17
19:39:48      0.00      0.00      0.09      0.22      0.09      0.22
19:39:49      0.00      0.00      0.06      0.17      0.06      0.17
19:39:50      0.00      0.00      0.76      0.17      0.76      0.17
19:39:51      0.00      0.00      0.12      0.17      0.12      0.17


发布时间:August 2, 2012 // 分类:网络工具 // No Comments


wget http://www.vanheusden.com/httping/httping-1.5.3.tgz
tar zxvf httping-1.5.3.tgz 
cd httping-1.5.3
make install


-g url         url (e.g. -g http://localhost/)
-h hostname    hostname (e.g. localhost)
-p portnr      portnumber (e.g. 80)
-x host:port   hostname+portnumber of proxyserver
-c count       how many times to connect
-i interval    delay between each connect, can be only smaller than 1 if user is root
-t timeout     timeout (default: 30s)
-Z             ask any proxies on the way not to cache the requests
-Q             use a persistent connection. adds a 'C' to the output if httping had to reconnect
-6             use IPv6
-s             show statuscodes
-S             split time in connect-time and processing time
-G             do a GET request instead of HEAD (read the
               contents of the page as well)
-b             show transfer speed in KB/s (use with -G)
-B             like -b but use compression if available
-L x           limit the amount of data transferred (for -b)
               to 'x' (in bytes)
-X             show the number of KB transferred (for -b)
-l             connect using SSL
-z             show fingerprint (SSL)
-f             flood connect (no delays)
-a             audible ping
-m             give machine parseable output (see
               also -o and -e)
-o rc,rc,...   what http results codes indicate 'ok'
               coma seperated WITHOUT spaces inbetween
               default is 200, use with -e
-e str         string to display when http result code
               doesn't match
-I str         use 'str' for the UserAgent header
-R str         use 'str' for the Referer header
-r             resolve hostname only once (usefull when
               pinging roundrobin DNS: also takes the first
               DNS lookup out of the loop so that the first
               measurement is also correct)
-n warn,crit   Nagios-mode: return 1 when avg. response time
               >= warn, 2 if >= crit, otherwhise return 0
-N x           Nagios mode 2: return 0 when all fine, 'x'
               when anything failes
-y ip[:port]   bind to ip-address (and thus interface) [/port]
-q             quiet, only returncode
-A             Activate Basic authentication
-U Username    needed for authentication
-P Password    needed for authentication
-C cookie=value Add a cookie to the request
-V             show the version


httping -S -G -s -b -c 5 www.qq.com 
PING www.qq.com:80 (www.qq.com):
connected to (285 bytes), seq=0 time=38.88+723.79=762.67 ms 200 OK 381KB/s
connected to (285 bytes), seq=1 time=35.89+729.76=765.64 ms 200 OK 378KB/s
connected to (285 bytes), seq=2 time=34.50+1231.31=1265.82 ms 200 OK 219KB/s
connected to (285 bytes), seq=3 time=39.15+779.30=818.45 ms 200 OK 355KB/s
connected to (285 bytes), seq=4 time=42.51+763.95=806.46 ms 200 OK 364KB/s
--- www.qq.com ping statistics ---
5 connects, 5 ok, 0.00% failed
round-trip min/avg/max = 762.7/883.8/1265.8 ms
Transfer speed: min/avg/max = 219/340/381 KB
  • opnfense: 谢谢博主!!!解决问题了!!!我之前一直以为内置的odhcp6就是唯一管理ipv6的方式
  • liyk: 这个方法获取的IPv6大概20分钟之后就会失效,默认路由先消失,然后Global IPV6再消失
  • 海运: 不好意思,没有。
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  • 海运: 恩山有很多。
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